Helping Online Service-Based Businesses

Sign 5-20 Extra High Ticket Clients Per Month

On Autopilot, with YouTube

Helping Online Service-Based Businesses Sign 5-20 Extra High Ticket Clients Per Month

On Autopilot, with YouTube

Why Work With Us?

In the last 365 days we've: Produced 1046 pieces of content on a DFY basis and generated over 16M views for a dozen different businesses.

  • White Glove Experience: Done-for-you service, seamless and streamlined process, professional support and guidance, speedy delivery.

  • We'll generate huge amounts of qualified attention and convert it into qualified and pre-sold sales opportunities that close 70-95% of the time!

  • Build massive trust and confidence with your niche, and become the go-to person in your industry!

Why Work With Us?

In the last 365 days we've: Produced 1046 pieces of content on a DFY basis and generated over 16M views for a dozen different businesses.

  • White Glove Experience: Done-for-you service, seamless and streamlined process, professional support and guidance, speedy delivery.

  • We'll generate huge amounts of qualified attention and convert it into qualified and pre-sold sales opportunities that close 80-95% of the time!

  • Build massive trust and confidence with your niche, and become the go-to person in your industry!

Here Are Just Some Of Our Clients

Here Are Just Some Of Our Clients...

💸 $207,000 In Extra Monthly Revenue

Jeremy was generating leads, but not enough of them to grow his business. He also lacked the trust and confidence required to charge high ticket prices.

After creating YouTube videos on his own for 1 year, he decided to get our help and make sure things were being done right.

Within 180 days we helped him gain 10,000 YouTube subscribers and scale his business from $10,000 to $217,000 per month through using our YouTube funnel.

💰 $34,000 In Extra Monthly Revenue

Tom was both looking to generate more leads, and convert more of his existing leads that were falling through the gaps in his funnel.

He had spent the last couple months creating dozens of YouTube videos with little to no results. That's when he decided to get our help, and do it right.

Within 60 days we helped him 10x his channel growth rate and scale his business from $15,000 to $49,000 per month with the help of our content funnel.

💰 $34,000 In Extra Monthly Revenue

Tom was both looking to generate more leads, and convert more of his existing leads that were falling through the gaps in his funnel.

He had spent the last couple months creating dozens of YouTube videos with little to no results. That's when he decided to get our help, and do it right.

Within 60 days we helped him 10x his channel growth rate and scale his business from $15,000 to $49,000 per month with the help of our YouTube funnel.

📈 $20,000 In Extra Monthly Revenue

Alex had an existing lead source and it was keeping his business going, however in order to grow further, he needed more leads and to improve his lead nurturing process.

His YouTube content wasn't generating enough attention, and the attention he was getting always seemed to lead to nothing. He decided it was time to get YouTube right.

Within 14 days he made a $5000 inbound, paid in full sale and within 60 days I helped him go from $20,000 to $40,000 per month using YouTube.

Some Examples Of What We Do

Here Are Some Examples Of What We Do

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do I need a big audience to generate warm inbound leads and sign clients?

Absolutely not! We have clients with less than 1000 subscribers booking 5-10 calls per week with ready-to-buy clients.

How does your service work?

It's simple! We'll ideate and script the videos, show you exactly how to record them, edit the videos, design the thumbnails, distribute all the content and then cross-pollinate them across all your social media profiles. The entire system is optimised for one thing: Helping you sign more clients.

How quickly can my YouTube channel grow?

If you have a small channel (less than 1000 subscribers) then you can expect to 5-10x your channel growth rate. If you already have a larger audience (over 15,000 subscribers) then you can expect to 3x your audience growth rate.

Why do I need YouTube/organic content anyways?

YouTube builds enormous amounts of trust and authority, improving the efficiency of your entire business (marketing, sales, operations, hiring, back-end upsells and more). It will also help you to book inbound sales calls that consistently close 70-95% of the time.

How much time will this take me?

Our clients spend just 1-2 hours per week recording videos, and no hidden focus or time commitment after that point.

Why can't I just hire a freelancer to do this?

Your inputs equal your outputs! If you want average results then hire someone average with no specialised knowledge. There's a reason why our clients (like Vince Opra who has over 250k subscribers) says to skip the generalist freelancers and pay the premium to work with us.

When can I expect to see results by?

You can expect to sign an extra 1-3 high ticket clients in the first month. However YouTube is a long term game, and right from the get go we want you to have the mindset that you're gonna commit to this for a while. Because that's where the huge upside lies.

How do I even know that my target audience will see my videos?

Everyone uses YouTube nowadays. It's literally become the new TV, with over 4.95 Billion monthly users.

And our proprietary, emotion-based video packaging strategy and the data we provide YouTube when publishing each video, will tell YouTube exactly who to show the videos to. So we can easily reach your target audience through YouTube (as long as you don't work with the elderly).

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